Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why media revolution is only just beginning

MarketWatch editor-in-chief David Callaway, whose first full-time job as a reporter was in 1987 for a Murdoch-owned Boston tabloid, explains in his commentary today that "as long as there are Enrons and Worldcoms out there; hedge funds and pyramid schemes; crimes and wars and corrupt leaders, there will be journalists who will find platforms to report on them — whatever the technology."

Back in 1987, it was widely assumed that newspapers were dying. The post-Watergate rush to become a reporter was over. Circulations were down. And new technologies were threatening. At one point, the hot new thing was to deliver news by fax machine, and papers were going to die because readers would be able to get news quicker by fax. They would even be able to tailor the type of news they wanted to receive. Imagine that?
[snip ..snip]
.. this is not the beginning of the end for journalism. It wasn't 20 years ago either. It's a bull market for those who can write a sentence and tell a story and know how to do it across the mediums of print, Web, audio, video and mobile. The stories are there for the taking."
Callaway is a former member of The Newspaper Guild (end of post)

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