Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New employee handbook isn't original *

New Tribune EVP Randy Michaels, hand-picked by Zell to head up Tribune's internet and broadcast divisions appears to have brought more than just his controversial self to the executive suites: he brought along his employee handbook.

Michaels was formerly CEO of Local TV LLC, a broadcast holding company that partnered a deal in December with Tribune to form a third-party broadcast management company. According to reports, he has a very lucrative past association with Zell from a 1990s radio company business deal.

According to this December Chicago Tribune story, Michaels "generates extreme reactions. His critics say he is a cost-cutter, an aggressive boss who doesn't like to lose and a man who cut the heart and soul out of local radio stations to boost the bottom line."

Does he swear at his staff too?

*This Thing Looks Like That Thing

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